Flattener Suite
Industrial design
SurfaceWorks Solo
Fabrizio Merolli
featured designer, Fabrizio Merolli, is a civil engineer by training. Before
starting on his own two years ago, he was the chief technical
officer at an Italian shipyard, which built steel fishing and work boats.
Fabrizio still designs mainly fishing vessels and work boats, but among
his creations are some pleasure boats as well, such as the 20m power yacht
pictured below. His design software of choice is MultiSurf which he uses
very extensively indeed to design not just hulls, but the very last detail
of his models. He complements MultiSurf with MSDEV and
MSPLEX programs to
furnish his builders with detailed nests of all the vessel’s parts. His preferred drafting program is Bentley
Fabrizio usually begins his design with a "rough draft",
which helps him to verify the model's hydrostatic characteristics and to
fair the hull. At this stage, his customer can already get an idea of how
the boat is going to look and have enough information in order to decide
about possible changes or additional requirements.
Once all characteristics have been defined and decided upon, Fabrizio
designs the final model. At that point he can improve on the construction
geometry, optimize the number and the kind of surfaces, organize his
layers, and group the objects he wants to use for components. Finally, he
adds such details as rubbing strake, bollards, rails, portholes, coaming,
etc., as well as subsurfaces to represent the painting. He copies the same
model many times and saves the copies with appropriate layers on in order
to use them for construction plans, capacities plans, scantling plans,
etc. As Fabrizio says, Relational Geometry allows him to complete these
plans and make all required changes easily and precisely.
supply ship (left - click on the thumbnail to get a larger picture) is a wonderful example of Fabrizio’s refined and detailed
design. All the model’s countless details from top to
were designed in 3D using MultiSurf. Fabrizio takes advantage of MultiSurf’s
component feature, and has built himself a library of such components as
bollards, anchors, propeller nozzles, etc. Another example of skillful use
of components are Fabrizio's complex and systematic scantling plans
(thumbnails on right).
We are very pleased to count Fabrizio Merolli among our talented
MultiSurf users. Designers like him inspire us to make MultiSurf even
better. We thank Fabrizio for this opportunity to present his work, and
wish him all the best in the future.
Ing. Fabrizio Merolli
Via G. Bovio 120
Pescara 65123
